Vrydag 20 Januarie 2012

How to cook tasty mince meat and peppers

Geplaas deur Unknown om 13:18
So this is a dish which I have learnt from my mother, and as I love it so much I thought I would share with you.

Just a note that when I cook I rarely use measurements- I prefer to guess and add according to taste (or in my case smell) Yes I smell my food to see whether it needs more spice, lol don't ask why but it works for me.

So the measurements that I will provide are approximate, but remember you can adjust according to taste.

This will feed approx 3-4 people
  • 500g lamb mince meat
  • Red and green peppers
  • garlic cloves or powder (or can use both)
  • Ginger (fresh or powder) approx 3 cloves/1 teaspoon
  • Black Seeds/Nigella Seeds
  • Garam Masala
  • Salt
  • Coriander
  • Chilli powder and fresh chillies
  • Curry Powder
  • 1 large onion
  • Oil
  • Tomatoes
So first heat the oil (approx 1 teaspoon) then add the chopped onion and cook for 3 minutes. Add the mince meat and cook for further 3 minutes then add the garlic and ginger, salt and all the spices. After 10 minutes add the peppers and cook until they soften. The mince meat should be cooked until brown (approx 30 minutes in total) Once cooked the onions should have softened and dissolved with the meat.

So that's how I make mince meat. I will use the same technique to make the mince for shepherds pie, although I will add potatoes instead of the peppers.

I like to have this with basmati rice and with a tasty salad. I add Cheddar cheese, juice of a lemon and mint sauce to my salad. This meal will provide protein, carbohydrates and nutrients.

I may do a separate blog post/video for other recipes if it is requested.

To watch the video of me cooking see below:

Hope you enjoy- happy cooking :)

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