Donderdag 22 Desember 2011

Eyeliner Tutorial-Daytime to Evening Look

Geplaas deur Unknown om 11:20

I've been asked many times how I apply my eyeliner. Its' a really simple look using two products- a liquid and pencil eyeliner. I use liquid for my upper lid and pencil on my waterline. I like to use liquid because if I apply the pencil to my upper lid it wears off easily onto the top of my lid (I have droopy eyelids). Whereas with the liquid it stays put until I remove it.

The whole process takes me around 30 seconds-quick and easy, perfect for a lazy bum like me :p

If you have droopy lids like moi then the flick at the end will really help to open and extend your eyes. Draw a thicker line if you have small lids, but if you have bigger lids then a thin line will do. Finally apply the GOSH liner on your water line.

For an evening look I have applied a really thin line of liquid under my bottom lashes, just to add depth. If I'm going out for a special occasion then I will also apply mascara (Not worn in the photos). At the moment I'm using Maybelline Collosal Mascara.

  • You can purchase the liquid liner from Body Shop
  • The velvet Touch pencil is from GOSH
Look how tiny the liner is! I don't waste ;)

Taa Daaa! Like magic ;)

If you want to know how to achieve the look then watch the video below :)

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