Donderdag 15 Desember 2011

Evening Wear Look from H&M-Modest & Glamorous

Geplaas deur Unknown om 08:36
Image Credit
I've seen this dress in H&M a few times and have been very tempted to purchase, but never did. Looking on their website the dress has gone down from £34.99 to £14.99! It is an absolutely gorgeous, glamorous dress. I'm obsessed with evening wear and love to glam up every now and then, so this dress is on my wish list.  

For some reason I reckon a cherry hijab and matching shoes with a Tika would go perfect with this dress. Or you could style with a patterned hijab such as the Cranberry Country garden Hijab from Princess Rockz and keep accessories to a minimum.

Team with a blazer or long sleeved cardigan. For modesty I would style my hijab in such a way to cover the chest, but so you can still see some of the panelling. For a women's only event the dress can be worn as it is :)

To purchase the dress visit H&M online, or find instore.

For a simple hijab tutorial that can be worn for every occasion, watch the video below:

What do you like to wear for an evening out?

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