Vrydag 23 Desember 2011

Outfit of the day: Visiting the Egyptian Pyramids

Geplaas deur Unknown om 05:02

Visiting the pyramids, wow what an experience! You can read about it here. So again I didn't want to get my sandals dirty so opted for my favourite Primark boots. Thank God as well because it was pretty dusty (You'll find out once you visit Cairo) So I'm wearing jeans from H&M, the red dress I purchased from Forever 21. I've worn a black top underneath as the dress is short sleeved.

I've tried (I do try my best sometimes lol) to match the hijab with my outfit. So I figured the colours kind of match my dress. It's the 'Splash of Paint Maxi hijab' from Princess Rockz. What do you think? Then of course the all ESSENTIAL sunglasses, and not just for the obvious reason, I wore them for blanking out the touts and they worked a treat! So there's a great tip for you guys ;o)

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