Hellooo!!!! So here's my outfit of the day, well it was actually a few days back but just uploaded it now hehe ;)
As you can see flowers are the main theme of the outfit...

I'm wearing:
Beige trousers by ZARA- www.zara.com
Shoes by H&M- www.hm.com
Blue cardigan by NEW LOOK- www.newlook.com
Blue t-shirt and handbag by PRIMARK
White Roses hijab by PRINCESS ROCKZ- www.princessrockz.co.uk
Misty Pink Vintage brooch (clipped onto a pearl necklace and again onto the White Roses hijab) by PRINCESS ROCKZ- www.princessrockz.co.uk
Pearl Necklace by Miss Selfridge- www.missselfridge.com
The misty Pink Vintage brooch is from Princess Rockz new collection and comes in various dazzling colours. Check them out here: http://princessrockz.co.uk/7-8-38-vintage-collection.aspx
For a similar hijab style to the one im rockin' have a look at this tutorial:
Until my next outfit of the day!
Take care all :)
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