Ok so this isn't much of a stylish outfit but you know what it was FREEZING out in Istanbul, even colder than London! So I wore like five layers and a thick coat or my trusty thick cardigan from Forever 21. This was in practicularly all my photos so for the sake of these piccies I took the cardigan off (for like 10 seconds anyway) Of course the main attraction is the lovely view of the Bosphorus- I just happen to be in there somewhere... (Can you spot the cardigan in question??) I believe this was near the dolombache palace.
So I'm sure you guys know where majority of my outfit is from, but I'll tell you anyway just in case lol. The jeans are from H&M, the boots which I know I do live in (they are too comfortable!) are from Primark, I purchased them last year and they are excellent quality.
The maroon dress is from Primark and the black cardigan is from New Look. I have these cardigans in different colours as they are great for adding to any outfit. They are also loose and light weight. I have another layer underneath which isn't visible, but it is a long sleeved polo top from Primark. The 'Black Wonderland Hijab' is from Princess Rockz- it was just what I needed to keep my ears and neck warm.
You can follow the tutorial of how I styled the hijab by watching the video below.
Hope you guys enjoyed this rather boring outfit of the day, but I hope to make a post of my trip to Istanbul with lots and lots of photos.
Until next time, take care :o)
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